How To Get More From Your Online Ordering Solution

Online ordering is truly an amazing avenue for restaurants to take. Restaurants are known to be afraid to adopt new technology. However, without this kind of ordering, you could be missing out big time.

You could neglect the needs and wants of millennial customers that are so accustomed to ordering food on their smartphones. There are a huge amount of benefits from online ordering so if you haven’t already, ensure you get started.

In this article, we are talking to those who already have their online ordering set up. We will provide some tips on how to get more from your solution.  

Get More From Your Online Ordering: Take Note Of The Benefits It Offers

It is vital to keep track of your cost of sales, particularly if you are using a commission based ordering platform. By using and encouraging the use of your own online ordering solution, you can free up staff from those lengthy, hard to hear phone call order conversations which reduces customer complaints from mistakes, allows you to collect and analyse order trends, capture customer information for marketing purposes and so much more. 

Get More From Your Online Ordering: Market Your Service

Knowing and understanding that there are benefits to providing online ordering, it pays to market your online ordering. This means that your staff can focus on making more quality food quicker and up-selling to existing customers which means more money on your bottom line.

Get More From Your Online Ordering: Online Menus Have Tons Of Features

The problem with traditional menus is that they are quite expensive to make and you have to stick with them until you can justify changing them again. This is not a huge deal inside your restaurant.

However, producing and changing your takeaway menu presents some problems that will result in unhappy diners. With online menus, it costs you very little time to make changes and you can change as often as you would like.

Many platforms offer a lot of functionality so you can allow for more flexibility. Therefore, use upsell techniques and special offers to boost your customers average spend. 

Payment Types

Taking credit cards for online payment is extremely efficient for deliveries. However, when it comes to the fees, it definitely pays to shop around.

For example, using a service like Stripe payments as it also pays to avoid accepting credit card payments when you do not have to. One change you can make is that you can set what payment methods are available.

For example, you could remove the credit card option from pick up orders to save restaurateurs from paying credit card fees which means more profit for you. 


Online ordering is honestly a must have nowadays for restaurants. If you do not yet offer this ordering option, you may neglect customers who are big into using their technology to order food. This is the way forward.

So, if you do not yet have online ordering, get in touch with us and we will get you started. We hope that if you do have it, you can use these tips to get more from your solution. Hope you enjoyed this article!


Offer Online Ordering So Your Customers Can Buy Happiness


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