Video Marketing For Restaurants: How To Stand Out

This article will discuss video marketing for restaurants and talk about how you can use video to stand out. It is no surprise that today’s internet culture is based heavily on short, catchy and impactful videos. A 60-second video that leaves customers with a mouthwatering sensation and wanting to make a reservation at your restaurant is the perfect example of restaurant video marketing that will greatly help to boost your sales. Discover how to leverage the power of video marketing to attract more hungry customers and one up your competitors. I will tell you why video marketing can help you and provide some tips that you can implement right away.

What Is Video Marketing?

Before we get started, you need to know exactly what video marketing is. Simply put, it is the use of video content to market your business. It helps you to reach more people and boost engagement online. You can use video marketing to share events happening in your restaurant, provide customers with entertainment, showcase how-to and instructional videos and much more.

Benefits Of Video Marketing For Restaurants

Videos allow you to show off your menu in ways that no image ever could. 

Video marketing allows to share the story of your restaurant with customers and even give them a quick tour. 

Video marketing boosts SEO efforts. You can boost your chance of getting on Google’s first page by 53 times. 

Your brand will get name recognition and visibility. If your video is memorable, people will remember you.

Tips For Video Marketing

Think Local

When looking to gain more customers, you should also think about your local audience and cater to them. Generally the people who live in your area will become your most loyal customers. If your goal is to get repeat business, it makes sense to target these people first. Regardless of whether you wish to create an ad or just share the video on your social media platforms, locals will see it if you know how to target the ad. In saying that, of course you should share your videos on YouTube also, however, the audience on YouTube is global and you may not bring in as many customers. If you wish to target tourists, you could post videos on websites on websites such as TripAdvisor.

Optimise Videos For Device And Platform

One of the most vital things to remember is that your videos must be visible on all devices. Therefore, many people will watch your videos on their phones and most likely on social media. Therefore, optimise them for the device and the platform.

Capture Unique Experiences

Did your restaurant attend a local food festival or celebrate the anniversary of your establishment? In other words, anything in the community that your restaurant is involved in is excellent material for restaurant social media videos. Therefore, capture clips and post them on your platforms.

Reveal Cooking Tips

Of Course giving away your recipes to the public is not a good idea. However, what you can do instead is shoot clips in the style of those from Tasty and share them on your social media platforms. Therefore, these clips can be anything from short and snappy instructional videos on how to prepare a dish to tips and tricks from a real chef. So, educate your customers on how to use various kitchen utensils, make seasonal recipes or perhaps put a unique spin on a traditional dish. In addition, influence your customers to share their attempts at the recipes and repost them to your feeds. Interacting with your customers is highly important and so is showing them that you care by spotlighting them on your profile.

Feature Customers

People who adore your restaurant may agree to appear in your videos. Just ask them nicely and offer them something in return such as a free dinner or a discount. However, you can also go beyond testimonials and ask for live food sampling videos, storytelling, reviews of meals and much more. After you have posted the video on social media, influence the customers who were involved to share it with their family and friends. This will help you to get even more customers through your door. Therefore, depending on your restaurant’s vibe, you can keep videos light and funny or appeal to people’s emotions and sense of community. In addition, your videos must always be consistent with your restaurant’s concept and theme. 


As a result, this has been our view of video marketing and our tips for restaurants. As mentioned there are many things that you can do with food video marketing and the extra reach and views are guaranteed. In addition, the good news is that restaurant video production does not have to cost a huge amount of money. Therefore, if you cannot afford professional help, the ideas above can be mastered by amateurs with a decent camera.


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